TLA Magic's Jazzy Girl
GENDER: Jennet
DOB: 10/8/15
HEIGHT: immature"
COLOR: NLP smokey black
Sire: TLA Winter Magic Special 31 3/4" black spot
Dam: BR Kismet 33" red
Jazzy has arrived and she lets everyone know she's here! What personality for a new foal! She has strong, straight legs, outstanding confirmation and a pretty head. Although, Jazzy is not spotted, she's a beautiful little jennet and a lover.
Wondered where her solid NLP coloring came from, with Kismet being red and Magic a black spot...but remember her granddam, Splendor's Sophie, a gray spot, resides with Joan Young in Australia, has foaled a couple dark NLP foals. Sophie has three dark NLP donkeys in her pedigree and grandsire, Grand Champion Splendor's Nestle Special Dark also has NLP's in his pedigree.
Kismet was a wonderful mother to Jazzy and very patient with her. Most Miniature Donkey jennets are very good at teaching their foals how to be a donkey.
Jazzy is very smart and learns quickly. She's halter broke, stands perfect for hoof trimming and loves attention and hugs.
SOLD-Staying in Wisconsin. Thank you, Hannah for choosing Jazzy and giving her a wonderful new home! I think you will be great for each other.